Bone Soup 骨头汤

Bone Soup 骨头汤

Sorry for the lack of posting. I’ve spent the last two weekends at travel meets for XC. Our team did great at the meets but the weather was horrendous. We all look terrible in the pictures so I won’t post any. Onto the food.

It’s getting cold outside so I thought I would share one of my favorite winter recipes- Bone soup with daikon radish. It’s delicious, comforting and full of health benefits. So head to your nearest butcher and let’s get cooking!!!!! Note: the recipe calls for pork thigh bone, which is hard to find in the states. Ribs are a good substitute but  they won’t have the delicious marrow 😦

Gather the ingredients
Parboil to cleanse the meat





Cook in pressure cooker
Cook in pressure cooker (a traditional pot works but will take considerably longer)

Bone Soup with Daikon Radish


  •  1-1.5 lb pork thigh bone (chopped)
  • 1 large daikon radish (cubed)
  • ginger (sliced into wide, thin peices)
  • cooking wine
  • salt
  • water


  1.  Soak the meat for 10-15 minutes until relatively blood free.
  2. Place the meat in a pot with some ginger and cooking wine. Cover with water and cook on medium heat for 5-6 minutes. Then, remove from heat and discard liquid- this thoroughly cleanses the meat.
  3. Put the meat in with 2-3L water (more or less depending on how much soup you want) into a pressure cooker and cook on high heat. Once the cooker starts steaming, turn down the fire.
  4. After 35-40min (1.5-2hr if not using pressure cooker), add in the radish and salt and continue cooking for another 15-20min without pressure.
  5. Serve and enjoy 🙂

Note: Besides radish, green onion, seaweed, leafy greens ,corn and vermicelli are also great additions. Leftover soup is also the perfect base for noodles or as stock to cook other dishes.

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