Recipe Post: Spiked Sweet Tea

Recipe Post: Spiked Sweet Tea

Although Shanghai is and always will be my home, I spent the first 11 years of my life in Memphis. I didn’t appreciate the mosquitoes or music (am I the only one), but I sure loved the obligatory gallons of sweet tea and lemonade. Turns out, the adults got to add another dimension- a generous shot of whiskey! As the name suggests, this recipe is basic, so let’s get mixing

First, make the base, a good, strong SWEET tea.  Any tea will work, but black tea, with its “fuller body” and richer flavor, is by far the best for balancing both the spicy alcohol as well as the sweetness. Speaking of sweetness, DON’T SKIMP! Traditionally, sweet tea uses simple syrup, but I find it cloying and messy. Instead, I use honey, which is more convenient and fragrant.

Next, add some flavoring! Personally, mint or lemon are my favorite. Both add a refreshing kick and really balance with the sweetness

Finally, once the tea is cool, mix in a shot of whiskey and serve over ice!

Basic Spiked Sweet Tea


  •  1.2L double strength black tea
  • 5/8th cup (10Tbsp) honey or simple syrup
  • 4 shots whiskey, preferably bourbon
  • Lemon juice, optional, to taste
  • 1 lemon, quartered- garnish
  • ice


First,  brew tea and let steep for 5-10 minutes. While still warm, stir in honey or syrup and lemon juice to taste. Make sure the sweetener is completely mixed. Pour a shot of whiskey into 4 glasses. Once the tea is cool (at least room temperature), pour evenly into prepared glasses and mix with whiskey. Add ice, garnish with lemon wedge, serve and enjoy!


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